liam in general

By sarah, 4 January, 2006

today we went to como park for a bbq lunch. it's a lovely park near the water down at como and has a swimming pool and a lovely new play area for the kids and new bbq facilities too.
we went and had coffee afterwards near the water at a cafe and i then tool liam for a walk along the wharf and we looked at jellyfish in the water.

this evening i took him for another walk after dinner-he's a great walker...he's also been saying more words since being here around everyone-he waved to heaps of strangers on our walk and said bye.

some more words he says now are 'nose' 'car' 'all gone' 'eyes' dad dad ' to a picture of dad, and 'star' and does butterflyhand actions too. he sees lots of 'woofs' !
